A tailor-made 3-month learning and training program plus mentoring system
IC design is people-centric. Every employee at Weltrend is considered as the most important partners of the Company. We provide a complete learning and training program, from arranging personal teaching by the heads of each department to understanding the company's available resources and counseling units, assisting new entrants to understand the company's overall culture and organizations in a step-by-step manner to enable them to take on their jobs more effectively.
Our colleagues from the Human Resource Department will help new entrants to understand the work environment in the shortest possible time and provide various consulting services. Each position will have its tailor-made three-month learning and training plan, plus a mentoring system, to help bringing new members to the team. During this period, new member will receive introductory courses for the position and guidance from professionals to combine with his or her own expertise to effectively develop more skills.